Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Time change and Mondays always get me down

I rephrased one of Karen Carpenter's songs in my title to say that I was a bit down yesterday. It seems Monday (after a spiritual high on Sunday) is usually a let down. You return to the real world of work and if you don't go in physically prepared, it's so easy to be blindsided. An hour gained doesn't always make the body feel rested. In fact, yesterday felt like it was hours longer than normal. I was so tired. I had also awoken with a sore throat and sinus pressure (again) - something a lot of us in the Middle GA area have been afflicted with this season. So my Monday was not the way I wanted to start my week off especially now since it seems to have leaked over into my Tuesday.

I did have the most blessed time with my grandkids Sunday afternoon and night though. I'd have rather stayed home and seen them off to go to their house Monday morning, but I did not have that luxury this time. Maybe this Tuesday morning after unloading on my blog, I will realize how blessed I am and not live in the "down-ness" of Monday and the ill effects of the time change. There is so much to be thankful for and God's mercies are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.


  1. well your "down-ness" sure didn't keep you from making an awesome dinner! Seriously...Ben and I enjoyed it for days after that! :)

  2. Oh wait, that was last Tuesday...whoops! Either way that dinner was delish and I'm sorry you were down.
