Tuesday, January 3, 2012


I wrote in my last blog the "rhyming word" for the New Year. "Delve in 2012." Perhaps it would sound better to say "deeply delve into 2012." Which ever sounds best, I need to delve into God's wonders this year!
That was the initial word I heard for this year. Wonder! When I led praise and worship at church January 1, I looked for songs that shared the wonder of His creation and of Himself. I shared with the congregation that I thought that God wanted us to find wonder in His creation, His word, and life experiences this year. (I pronounced it incorrectly though- I said "wander.")
So on that very night, the first day of the new year, I had the joy of seeing Jupiter and a "toothy" Cheshire Cat moon (and, I believe, Venus). Saige and the kids came down for a New Year's dinner. So before she went home to Macon, we rode together to Toys R Us, McDonalds and Kroger where Daniel came to pick me up so the two us could go to Ma's. While waiting for Daniel, Saige and I saw a beautiful bright object in the sky. We thought it had to be an airplane flying in. But it didn't move and it stayed the same size (or so it seemed). I think it was Venus.

Then when Daniel and I got back home, we looked at the moon and the bright "star" next to it. By using his Google Sky Map app on his Smartphone, it told us that the "star" next to the moon was Jupiter. We didn't find "Venus" because that object was already out of sight. (I need to delve to find if Venus was out Sunday night.)

But talk about wonder! I was blown away by the Smartphone's ability to do a sky map, but that paled in comparison to the glory of God's creation. We saw Orion and I didn't need a Sky Map to identify see those three stars in "his" belt! I love the night time sky (although you'll never find me looking through a telescope into the night time sky - my own silly phobia) and what a special way to enjoy it and to enjoy it with my son!

Next blog: the wonder of God's protection.


  1. I love the stars and the night sky, too. With all the lights in towns and cities... I think folks forget to look up at God's amazing creation!!!

  2. Glad you got to see that...sounds cool!

  3. That's neat. There's so much light pollution where we live that I don't really get to see the stars as much as I like...love it when they're bright and clear and I can make out all the constellations I know. I need to brush up, though. I've forgotten so much.

    Planning to delve into '12!
